
NFS C: Shocker im Community Spotlight Samstag, 21.04.2007
NFS CarbonElectronic Arts bittet verschiedene Webmaster von NFS Fansites im Community Spotlight zu einem Interview. Dieses mal wurde unser Webmaster Bernhard Schmidt aka Shocker zum Interview gebeten.
Dort berichtet Shocker, seit wann NFS-Planet besteht, welchen Teil der NFS Serie ihm besonders gefällt und vieles mehr. Aber lest selbst.

EA: Tell us a little bit about yourself

I am 23 years old and come from Austria/Europe. After studying media technology and -design I am now working as a web programmer for a small company, but in my spare time I'm still a enthusiastic gamer.

EA: What do you do in the NFS Community? (explain)

My connection to Need for Speed is my fansite NFS-Planet. It can be hard work from time to time, but I do everything to provide NFS fans with news and information as well as useful user-made files, which enhance the NFS experience. The website enhanced more and more from a download portal to a news and community webpage. Lucky for me, I have some busy fellows who watch for the discussion boards, while I am maintaining the website. Apart from posting news I try to involve the community by creating contests (like the recent Easter egg search) and collecting user-made artworks. With NFSU2 I hopped on the train and created a showcase, where users could upload screenshots of their cars, and let them berated by other visitors. It wasn't a new concept, but people definitely liked it. Since the multiplayer-mode in the NFS games got more and more important and I started to focus on reporting about current Need for Speed events - mostly events in Germany/Europe (most visitors of NFS-Planet come from Europe). I even organized a NFSU2 Ladder once, but it was too much work to maintain, so I concentrated more on keeping NFS-Planet up-to-date and writing about scene news and events. I started a scene-section on NFS-Planet, where we supported promising projects and leagues. I even could arrange partnerships with the ESL (Electronic Sports League - the biggest online league in Europe) and, who are currently running the 'NFS Carbon Wilkinson Cup' in Germany.

EA: Did you start the fansite? How has your experience been so far?

Yes, I started NFS-Planet in April 2000 (hey, it's time for a birthday party :)), but I already experimented with web pages back in the times of NFS 3. Over the years NFS-Planet became quite a big web-portal - some years ago I would have never believed how many visitors such a fansite can get. It's interesting to see all the ups and downs of the Need for Speed series, especially from the view of a webmaster. I'm not going into detail here, but with NFS Porsche and then Hot Pursuit 2 the series had its low, because it wasn't possible to create custom cars and tracks anymore. But then NFS Underground showed up and with it the addiction of the series was recovered: we had at least the possibility to tune the cars in-game, which was a big step forward. The focus didn't lie on modding - which kept especially the fansites in the past alive - but on tuning and showing off your rides. The era of the showrooms began and it's interesting how people have the urge to express themselves, not only in the showcase, also on the discussion boards - everybody is proud of his work. This tuning-phenomenon increased even more with NFS Carbon and Autosculpt - I'm already excited what addictive features the next NFS might bring. ? I really like running the fansite, and with the years EA got more and more supportive and shared more news, sponsored events, organized contests and it was really fun maintaining a website about such a great game series. The community grew together and I'm happy to see the lively discussion boards and I like playing online with other NFS gamers. Additionally I have to say, NFS-Planet even helped me finding my job, because there are not many web developers who can show such a well-visited website at their job interview. ;)

EA: How long have you been playing the NFS franchise?

I started with Need for Speed 1 (PC) from Road & Track back in 1995. I didn't miss any game in the series, but I have to say my top 3 favorites were the old ones: NFS Porsche, High Stakes and Hot Pursuit. I liked Porsche because of the driving physics and the career mode, High Stakes because of the damage model and the police and Hot Pursuit because of the revolutionary (for computer games) appearance of the police.

EA: How do you feel about the current state of the NFS community? What would you do different?

I like the current trend to car-tuning and multiplayer-gaming - especially the combination of those two is quite a good mixture. It holds the community together, since everybody wants to race and to show off his rides. But somehow I'm not sure if this mixture will work in the future, since there is not very much variety in the gaming experience. The last 4 NFS titles were almost the same and I think there are some innovations overdue. Additionally something must be done with the cheating problem. It's frustrating to lose against cheaters, or just the fact that you can't reach the top on the leaderboards, just because some guys think it's funny to cheat. Regarding the game: I think it would be nice to have a return to the roots, like in NFS 3 and 4. I'm dreaming of long mountain roads, parts of them covered with snow, or a couple of exotic cars driving down a country road in front of a beautiful landscape, glowing in the sun. But this may be even more realistic than thinking of realistic driving physics and a damage model. Anyway, the last NFS titles were good and entertaining, but it can always be better. On the other hand, I think NFS will always have its fans, as long as there is more behind the game than just finishing a story.

EA: What is your favorite car class?

This depends - I like tuners and exotics, but I can't decide which I like more. Tuners are nice because they are like cars I can imagine driving myself someday in real-life. Exotics are even more a daydream, but honestly - who can say no to a Porsche or Lamborghini? I wish I could win the lottery...

EA: What is the best ride you have ever built? (pictures?)

Hm, that's hard to say since I'm concentrating more on performance than the look, but here is a picture of my Lamborghini Gallardo in NFS Carbon.

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 TIGGA Kommentare (10)

#10: von speedking21 (08.06.2008 09:49) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Der lambo is ja cool .

Wer bremst verliert

Meine Wagen:



Mein Mitsubishi Lancer Evo IX MR


Bitte bewerten !!!
Ihr könnt auch euere kommentare zu den wagen mir mit PM schicken

euer speedking21

#9: von miliflo (23.04.2007 14:44) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

Ob EA sich auch wirklich zu Herzen nimmt, um NFS zu verbessern, bezweifle ich! Den es gibt zig Foren und Fansite aus aller Welt und da werden (ganz bestimmt) auch über das Pfuscherei der neuere NFS-Teilen geredet (ich glaube es ned, dass sich nur deutschsprachigen Länder beschwert). Und da weiß EA ganz bestimmt, was sie wirklich angestellt haben! Nix gegen EA (Battlefield 2142 haben die ganz toll rausgebracht - kaum Abstürze und sind schon 2 oder 3 Mal Patch rausgebracht worden), aber ich glaube die wollen nur zeigen, dass die auch an die anderen denkt (denn NFS ist schön langsam abgrunde gegangen) und damit wir auch weiterhin Hoffnung schöpfen können, dass die bei nächsten NFS was besseres macht.

Aber trotzdem habe ich immer ein Fünkchen Hoffnung, dass EA wirklich diesmal ernst nimmt...

Wenn ned, dann eben ned und wir spielen weiter NFS und beschweren sich weiter. Bei meinem Fall schon

Grammatik ist mein Problem! :)

#8: von CrasH-LorD (23.04.2007 13:09) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite

nur komischerweise dachte ich immer, du seist älter wie ich, Shocker
wie man sich täuschen kann

und das Interview is schö ausführlich und richtig gut nachzuvollziehen
hoffe EA nimmt sich sowas auch wirklich zu herzen und versucht daraus die NFS teile ein wenig drauf einzupassen

Hope & Drive through the line

#7: von Psycho90 (22.04.2007 15:28) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Gratulation und respekt an shocker das hätte von uns glaube ich keiner geschafft ICH WILL EIN KIND VON DIR :P hahaha spass bei seite weiter so shocker du hast es wirklich drauf !!!

#6: von Verdikt (21.04.2007 23:04) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

Interessante Einsichten und ein gutes Interview. An der Stelle mal ein Lob für diese Seite, die du ja in ganz jungen aufgezogen hast. Ich denke der Erfolg der Seite hängt zum groß Teil mit dem anhaltenden Elan zusammen.

Viel Spass und Erfolg noch mit deiner Seite!

#5: von Skyline-r34 (21.04.2007 21:05) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Da können andere fanpages ja neidisch werden!


#4: von ARTNFS (21.04.2007 20:17) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden

Hey... Webmaster und Kamerad,

Das Gespräch hört sich jaaa ganz gut an!

So ähnlich fing meine Story über NFS auch an, allerdings erst 1998 mit NFS 2 und 3!-o

NFS ist mit 10 Titeln schon eine Legende!

Bleib NFS & den Fans treu, denn dann sind Wirs auch!

Achja und mein Respekt für Gespräch!



"Leben macht Sinn!" (LMS)'

#3: von Winning4ever3 (21.04.2007 20:14) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden Webseite
mci würe auch interresieren, wie das interview abgelaufen ist... per email, chat oder wie auch immer...

#2: von miliflo (21.04.2007 17:51) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
Wie bitte...?

Shocker, Du bist 23? Das heißt, Du hast es mit 16 den NFS-Planet gegründet??? Das glaube ich ned! Wie hast Du es geschafft?


Grammatik ist mein Problem! :)

#1: von mccom (21.04.2007 15:44) Profil ansehen Zur Freunde-Liste hinzufügen Nachricht senden
schön geschrieben! gratuliere das du dafür ausgewählt wurdest! Wie lief das ganze? per email? wie lange haste an den Formulierungen gefeilt?^^

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