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Info: Wallpaper Contest - The last days Friday, 22.07.2005
Wallpaper ContestOur wallpaper contest is coming to an end! Until sunday you have time to upload your wallpapers.

All you have to do, is creating a wallpaper, which has something to do with Need for Speed, no matter which one. If you like the Underground series most, or you'd better like to be nostalgic or want to try Need for Speed Most Wanted as your theme is completely your own decision.
The pictures have to be uploaded until Sunday, July 24th 2005 under the following link:

Small tipp: Take a look at the wallpaper-sections, the official Wallpapers are good material or search in the news for "Wallpaper", then you'll find much material. :)

» NFS-Planet Wallpaper Contest
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NFSMW: 2 new spectacular Videos Friday, 22.07.2005
Electronic Arts released two new spectacular videos of Need for Speed Most Wanted. The one is called "Thrill of the Speed" and well worth seeing. But the more interesting video would be "Busted", which shows an exciting police chase and the driver gets busted in the end.
The most interesting thing is, that the car of the player doesn't take very much damage (frontal crash against the wall), but it do has some scratches. But therefore a policecar lost his hood and the front part is totally smashed.
To what extent the game will contain a damage model we'll see.

Another interesting thing is the music. As it seems it's no more hip hop or rockmusic, but more like film music. Just listen to the music in the movie. ;)

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NFSMW: New Trailer Wednesday, 20.07.2005
EA published on the official Need for Speed website a new trailer of Need for Speed Most Wanted. Well, it's not that new because I added it already last week. Since users keep notifying me of the new video, I took the publishing on the NFS website as a motive to write this news. ;)

However, you can watch the video, which features a red Ford Mustang by the way, in our movie section, or on the official Need for Speed website - in a lower quality.

» NFSMW: Videos
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NFSMW: New Details - no Ferraris! Tuesday, 19.07.2005
NFS Most WantedNow the onlinemagazin IGN put their hands-on of NFS Most Wanted from EAs Hot Summer Night online and reveils some new details.
According to this there will be 40 cars in Need for Speed Most Wanted, but unfortunately no SUVs and no Ferraris! But therefore there will be - apart from the cars which are already known and listed in our carlist - the following cars in the game:

- Porsche Cayman S
- Toyota
- Lamborghini
- Cadillac
- BMW (GT4)
- Volkswagen

It's just a sampling of what to expect. EA will announce the full car list at a later date.

Additionally IGN reports detailed about the demo of Need for Speed Most Wanted they could try out. Here is a nice excerpt:

The final part of the three-part demo is the gnarliest of the three. The end of the second race sees you blazing through a toll booth. It's a cop-monitored toll booth, in fact, and it takes an automatic photograph of your car as it passes through; and it clocks your speed. The camera flash is blinding for a second, and the screen goes white, and all of a sudden cops are talking on their radios. "Unidentified car speeding through sector 89, going 142 miles per hour, apprehend."

At this point, you're on. Dozens of cops chase after you. A handy map can be pulled up to see exactly how many while you're racing, but I found it's better not to look at anything other than the road. They start by calmly driving alongside your vehicle, but as you continue to speed, they increasingly grow aggressive, until they're ramming, strafing, and speeding head-first into your car. They will drive in front of you and try to tip you, and they'll clamor about you, surrounding the vehicle, in the attempt to drive you into a stationery object, like a tree, brick wall, or cement post.

Ah, but they're not that smart. Somewhat smart, but more than anything they're just aggressive and numerous. You can out-smart them and out-drive them if you're paying attention. While they swarm your vehicle you can slow down and lead them into thinking you're going one way, and then you can quickly turn the other. You can lead them into oncoming traffic. You can coax them into a tunnel and then quickly duck out, or you can use the boost controls to blast out of their range. In the final game, there will be more than the seven cops that were on my tail. Plus, there will be police helicopters that can see you when you duck down an alleyway. Any way you look at it, with Need For Speed Most Wanted, the heat it on.

» NFSMW: Hands-On @ IGN
» NFSMW: Carlist
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NFSMW: Interview with Blacklist Tournament winner Tuesday, 19.07.2005
Last week EA hosted the Need for Speed Most Wanted Blacklist Tournament in Sonoma, CA. The Community Team interviewed the winner Ryan Waltz, who talks about his win and about Need for Speed Most Wanted.

CT: How did you prepare for the Blacklist Tournament? Did you do any special exercise or take any vitamins before your race?

Ryan: Ha ha! Not really. I just cleared my head and tried to focus on the game and not my surroundings.

CT: You had some time to practice before doing your actual run. Did you create any specific strategies that helped you win?

Ryan: I think so. One thing was, I noticed on the one 90 degree corner that if you enter it at full speed and slam on the brakes and turn at the same time it would slide (or drift) just a little. When you go back for the throttle it would just sling shot you though it. I don't know if that won me the tourney, but when I didn't do it would hurt my time.

CT: The Blacklist Tournament is the only place where people can see the upcoming Need for Speed Most Wanted game. What did you think of the game when you played it? What other types of games do you like to play?

Ryan: I think the game has pretty solid controls. It feels more like Hot Pursuit gameplay-wise and there was even a little Burnout here and there but not enough to take away from what NFS is. I do like it so far and I plan on buying it. Other than racing games I like, Grand Theft Auto, God of War, and Tony Hawk is always fun.

» NFSMW: Blacklist Tournament
» NFSMW: Interview with Ryan Waltz
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NFSMW: EA and Verizon Wireless relationship Monday, 18.07.2005
Electronic ArtsElectronic Arts and Verizon Wireless, a wireless provider in the USA, today announced a publishing relationship that will bring EA’s blockbuster games to Verizon Wireless Get It Now® customers. In coming weeks, the initial launch line-up is expected to include graphically rich versions of Madden NFL 06, NBA LIVE 06, Tiger Woods PGA TOUR® 06, FIFA 06, Need for Speed™ Most Wanted. The Sims™ 2, and popular games from™ including Tri Peaks Solitaire, Turbo 21™ and Poppit™. Verizon Wireless customers with V CAST-enabled phones can download 3D games and can take advantage of Need for Speed™ Underground 2 which will launch in 3D exclusively on V CAST from Verizon Wireless.

John Stratton, vice president and chief marketing officer for Verizon Wireless said, “Our relationship with one of the world’s most innovative game developers and publishers will bring many of EA’s most popular titles to our vast customer base, giving our Get It Now gamers access to the most advanced wireless games on the market. Armed with V CAST-enabled wireless phones, customers from coast to coast can easily enjoy the titles’ advanced 3D graphics and sounds delivered over our wireless broadband network.”

John Batter, VP and General Manager of EA Mobile stated, “Like Verizon Wireless, we are 100% committed to delivering the most compelling on-the-go entertainment experiences to mobile phone users. Verizon Wireless’ network provides us with the platform, audience and technology needed to showcase our games’ advanced graphics and unforgettable gameplay. With our extensive line-up of 3D games, EA is using state-of-the-art technology to deliver the most powerful line-up of hit games available.”

» Electronic Arts
» Verizon Wireless
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NFSMW: Cast Sunday, 17.07.2005
As the big movie website IMDB (International Movie Database) says, there will be professional intros and videos in Need for Speed Most Wanted, directed by Dave Footman, who recently worked at movies like "The Day After Tomorrow" or "Dreamcatcher".

Main character will be a female officer, played by, Simone Bailly, who already starred in films like "I Spy" and "The Delicate Art of Parking" and she played "Ka'lel" in "Stargate SG-1".
Additionally there are the two cohans Ronnie and Toro Sato, played by Paul Dzenkiw and Kevan Ohtsji. Kevan Ohtsji also had a part at "Stargate SG-1" by playing "Oshu".

» NFS Most Wanted Cast @
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NFSMW: New cars Saturday, 16.07.2005
On of our community members, Nissan, was recently in the USA and got some new information about Need for Speed Most Wanted. So the following cars may be included in the game too, but they have not been officially announced yet:

- Nissan X-Trail
- Mercedes Benz SLK 230
- Fiat Coupe
- 1954 Corvette

Additionally the game will feature some more details like changing your tires after some races, so that your handling won't get worse. Looks nice to me. ;)

» NFSMW: Carlist<br>
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Info: Need for Speed Retrospective Friday, 15.07.2005
You just got in touch Need for Speed with the Underground series, or you don't even know Need for Speed? Then you should take a look at the retrospective by Michael Mullen on the official Need for Speed website, where all Need for Speed titles are listed.

» Need for Speed Retrospective @<br>
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NFSMW: EA Hot Summer Night (Update) Friday, 15.07.2005
As every year Electronic Arts features the Hot Summer Night, a press event where the publisher presents the current games which are in development, among them Need for Speed Most Wanted! The screenshots of this event we already showed you yesterday, and now slowly the reports from the onlinemagazines come, who were there. Gamespot put an updated Hands-On online, but unfortunately it does not reveal much new information.
They tried out the PS2 and Xbox version, and the graphics should look pretty good, even compared to the on the E3 shown Xbox 360 version, and it should run pretty smoothly.

Update: IGN published a 12.5 MB video of NFS Most Wanted, which shows the Busted-Mode.

» NFSMW: Updated Hands-On @ Gamespot
» NFSMW: Video @ IGN
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